Teaching during the Corona-Pandemic 2020

Author(s) Nele McElvany, Ramona Lorenz, Justine Stang, & Thomas Brüggemann
Institution(s) TU Dortmund University, Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS)


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Theoretical framework/approach Digitalization in schools; job demands-resources model; implementation of innovations in organisations; teaching quality; wellbeing frameworks.
Research questions

How did the closure of German schools in spring 2020 affect teaching methods, teaching, and teachers’ well-being?

Themes / topics

Experiences of teachers during the closure of schools during the pandemic in spring 2020; teaching methods, teachers’ well-being, teachers’ working conditions, teaching using digital media.

Main findings of study / highlights
  • Teachers rated available ICT equipment and support as negative.
  • Teachers rated students’ media competence as lacking, especially for elementary students.
  • Systematic differences between school types emerged.
  • Teachers were on average satisfied with their job and perceived moderate levels of exhaustion and stress.
  • Teachers found that students learned less and that disparities due to socioeconomic family background increased in this phase.
  • Cooperation between teachers and parents was good.
Methods Quantitative Online-Survey
Analytic Appraoch Descriptive, explorative, explanative
Desig of data collection

Online survey; recruitment by advertisement in social media (e.g., twitter, facebook) Instruments: PANAS, Working Condition Scale, TPACK, BIG-5 Openness, Parental Support, Job Satisfaction, Stress, Exhaustion, Level of content with working place, ICTS Usage

Time(s) of data collection April 2020 – May 2020
Kind of sampling, kind and number of sample

(Online) Convenience sample across all German federal states; 3292 teacher of public and private schools, 275 school principals

Geographical area Germany
  • Lorenz, R., Lepper, C., Brüggemann, T., & McElvany, N. (2020). Unterricht während der Corona-Pandemie. Lehrkräftebefragung. Ergebnisse, Teil I: “Der Unterricht” [Teaching during the Corona pandemic. Teacher survey. Results, Part I: „Teaching”]. http://www.ifs.tu-dortmund.de/cms/de/Home/Pressematerialien/Pressematerialien/UCP_Kurzbericht_final.pdf.
  • Lorenz, R., Brüggemann, T., & McElvany, N. (2020). Unterricht während der Corona-Pandemie. Zweiter Ergebnisbericht der bundesweiten Lehrkräftebefragung. Ergebnisse, Teil II: „Wohlbefinden der Lehrkräfte“ [Teaching during the Corona pandemic. Second report of results from a nationwide teacher survey. Results, Part II: „Teachers‘ Well-Being“]. http://www.ifs.tu-dortmund.de/cms/de/Home/Pressematerialien/Pressematerialien/UCP_Kurzbericht_Teil-II_final.pdf.
  • McElvany, N., Lepper, C., Lorenz, R., & Brüggemann, T. (April 2021). Unterricht während der Corona-Pandemie. In D. Dohmen & K. Hurrelmann (Eds.), Generation Corona? Wie Jugendliche durch die Pandemie benachteiligt werden [Generation Corona? How young people are disadvantaged by the pandemic]. Weinheim: Beltz.
Project website


Further information
Repository Factsheet