Recovery of the Austrian economy following the COVID-19 crisis can take up to three years

Autorinnen und Autoren Sebastian Poledna, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma
Institution(en) IHS, IIASA, WIFO, WU Wien
Zeitpunkt(e)/Zeitraum der Erhebung(en)
Art der Stichprobe und Benennung der Personengruppe(n) und Anzahl

Fragestellung(en) der Befragung

Collaboration between researchers from IIASA, WU, WIFO, and the IHS provides scenarios of the medium-run economic effects of the lockdown in Austria using the IIASA macroeconomic simulation model. The analysis suggests that the return to the business-as-usual trend may take up to three years after a steep initial economic downturn due to the lockdown, and a gradual recovery thereafter.



Diese Information wurde am 16. April 2021 aus dem Repositorium IHS entnommen.

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