Author(s) | Anja Wildemann & Ingmar Hosenfeld |
Institution(s) | University Koblenz-Landau, Institute of education of children and adolescents and center (IBKJ) of empirical pedagogy (zepf) |
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Theoretical framework/approach | The study chooses access to findings on quality of teaching, in particular pertaining to structure and assignment-based philosophy (see Hattie, 2016; Helmke 2017; Kiel 2019, Klieme et al. 2001) |
Research questions | How do parents perceive Homeschooling?
Themes / topics | Homeschooling, parents‘ opinions, structure, feedback, motivation, stress/acceptance
Main findings of study / highlights |
Methods | Online data collection (questionnaire) |
Analytic Appraoch | descriptive |
Desig of data collection | Questionnaire |
Time(s) of data collection | 08.04 until 04.05.2020 |
Kind of sampling, kind and number of sample | N= 4230 (parents) |
Geographical area | Germany, nationwide |
Publication(s) | Report on study available at: Wildemann, A. & Hosenfeld, I.: Parents and children in the time of homeschooling. In: FamilienBande. Journal for foster families 02/20, p. 33-37. Wildemann, A. & Hosenfeld, I. (i.V.): What do we know about the quality of teaching in distance learning? First indications from a parental survey. In: Huber et al. (i.V.): COVID-19 and education – studies and perspectives. Waxmann. |
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Repository | Factsheet |