HOMEschooling 2020

Author(s) Anja Wildemann & Ingmar Hosenfeld
Institution(s) University Koblenz-Landau, Institute of education of children and adolescents and center (IBKJ) of empirical pedagogy (zepf)

Maybe further partner(s)
Theoretical framework/approach The study chooses access to findings on quality of teaching, in particular pertaining to structure and assignment-based philosophy (see Hattie, 2016; Helmke 2017; Kiel 2019, Klieme et al. 2001)
Research questions
How do parents perceive Homeschooling?
Themes / topics
Homeschooling, parents‘ opinions, structure, feedback, motivation, stress/acceptance
Main findings of study / highlights
  • Parental involvement in and support of their children’s learning has increased considerably in the course of Homeschooling.
  • Almost half the parents (48.1 percent) were unable to identify a rhythm in the communication of assignments by the teacher.
  • A majority of parents found the assignments either always or often clearly worded, allowing their children to work on the tasks independently.
  • In elementary school, assignments are given primarily in the subjects German and mathematics.
  • The subjects German, mathematics and English play a central role in secondary schools. Assignments are also given in other subjects such as biology, geography and history.
  • Generally, parents perceive the assignments are lacking in variety.
  • Assignments are returned to the teachers only in some cases.
  • The majority of parents would like to receive more feedback from the teachers.
  • According to parents‘ assessments, 48.5 percent of children and adolescents are either very or fairly motivated, whereas 51.1 percent have little to no motivation.
  • 7 percent of parents state that their child suffers considerably from the elimination of leisure opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Nearly a quarter of parents believe that Homeschooling has placed a strain on their relationship with their child.
Methods Online data collection (questionnaire)
Analytic Appraoch descriptive
Desig of data collection


Time(s) of data collection 08.04 until 04.05.2020
Kind of sampling, kind and number of sample

N= 4230 (parents)

Geographical area Germany, nationwide

Report on study available at:

Wildemann, A. & Hosenfeld, I.: Parents and children in the time of homeschooling. In: FamilienBande. Journal for foster families 02/20, p. 33-37.

Wildemann, A. & Hosenfeld, I. (i.V.): What do we know about the quality of teaching in distance learning? First indications from a parental survey. In: Huber et al. (i.V.): COVID-19 and education – studies and perspectives. Waxmann.

Project website
Further information
Repository Factsheet