The influence of sex and gender domains on COVID-19 cases and mortality

Autorinnen und Autoren Alexandra Kautzky-Willer
Institution(en) MedUni Wien
Zeitpunkt(e)/Zeitraum der Erhebung(en)
Art der Stichprobe und Benennung der Personengruppe(n) und Anzahl

Fragestellung(en) der Befragung

This research analyzed the effect of sex and gender domains on the current COVID-19 pandemic. Sex-disaggregated COVID-19 reports from 33 countries were used (Global Health 50/50). We investigated a positive correlation between the ratio of female:male positive cases and the UN gender inequality index by linear regression. This could lead to the conclusion that in countries with low gender equality men are more often diagnosed with COVID-19. Therefore gender inequality may play a role in epidemiologic differences by sex. Still with the lack of data it is unclear if the investigated results are related to gender inequality or biological factors. Therefore we must investigate social norms and roles to identify how sex and gender may intersect to influence the risk for COVID-19 infection and access to care.
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine III



Diese Information wurde am 16. April 2021 aus dem Repositorium IHS entnommen.

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COVID19, Applied Humanities, Visualization, Network Science, Actor-Network Theory, Data Science, Art:Science, Artificial Intelligence, NLP, Onomastics, Applied Onomastics, BioCultural Diversity Index, NamSor, Museology, Virtual Exhibitions, Open Innovation, High Resolution Spaces, Interaction Design, Open Science, Science Education, Knowledge Transfer

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