Gender differences in COVID-19 pandemic in Europe

Autorinnen und Autoren Tomas Sobotka, Zuzanna Brzozowska, Vanessa di Lego, Markus Sauerberg, Krystof Zeman
Institution(en) IIASA, ÖAW
Zeitpunkt(e)/Zeitraum der Erhebung(en)
Art der Stichprobe und Benennung der Personengruppe(n) und Anzahl

Fragestellung(en) der Befragung

COVID-19 deaths are unequally distributed by gender: men dominate the statistics of deaths and have much higher case fatality rate than women. This contrasts with a slight female dominance in the reported number of COVID-19 cases in most countries in Europe.
To gain more accurate understanding of gender differences in COVID-19 prevalence, fatality and mortality, it is important to analyse the data by age and sex and standardise summary indicators for age and sex distribution of the population.
We aim to collect and analyse comparable data on reported COVID-19 infections and deaths by age (10-year age groups) and sex for around 10 European countries and compute standardised indicators of reported COVID-19 infections, deaths rates, infection fatality rates and case fatality rates. The initial stage of our research focuses on the dynamics in reported covid-19 infections by age and sex during the first and the second wave of the pandemic in Europe, from February until December 2020. We address the following questions: (1) Are men more likely to get infected than women?
(2) Does the gender profile of infections vary by age?
(3) Which age groups are more likely to get infected?
(4) Are these patterns similar across countries?
(5) How are these patterns changing over time?
(6) Are our findings further supported by testing and seroprevalence data?



Diese Information wurde am 16. April 2021 aus dem Repositorium IHS entnommen.

Analytische Ausrichtung modelling
Themen in Stichworten

COVID-19; Demography; Herd Immunity; IFR; Infections; Mortality; Seroprevalence

Theoretischer Rahmen/Zugang Gesundheit
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