Schulen mit besonderen Herausforderungen – Besonders belastete Schulen (Qualitative in-depth study of schools in challenging circumstances)

Autorinnen und Autoren Prof. Dr. Stephan Gerhard Huber, Prof. Dr. Christoph Helm, Marius Schwander, Raphael Eisner, Jane Pruitt, Julia Alexandra Schneider
Institution(en) Pädagogische Hochschule Zug, Institut für Bildungsmanagement und Bildungsökonomie
Zeitpunkt(e)/Zeitraum der Erhebung(en) ongoing study
Art der Stichprobe und Benennung der Personengruppe(n) und Anzahl

Primary ,Secondary


Fragestellung(en) der Befragung

Schools with a high proportion of pupils from socio-economically disadvantaged families often are particularly challenged regarding the quality of teaching and school development.
Using an ad hoc sample as part of the scientific monitoring of a support pro-gramme for schools in challenging situations guided group and individual inter-views were conducted. Within the framework of our qualitative in-depth study case studies were prepared. From these, we derived theses on challenges and stress specific for schools in challenging circumstances.



Diese Information wurde am 16. April 2021 aus dem Repositorium Airtable entnommen.

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