Teaching, learning and engagement in times of covid-19

Autorinnen und Autoren Prof. Dr Barbara E. StalderDr Franziska TemplerDr Miriam Weich
Institution(en) Bern University of Teacher Education
Zeitpunkt(e)/Zeitraum der Erhebung(en) ongoing study
Art der Stichprobe und Benennung der Personengruppe(n) und Anzahl



report is in progress, no url yet

Fragestellung(en) der Befragung

In the longitudinal study MEGY-Mit Erfolg durchs Gymnasium, we examine 1) why upper secondary students are engaged differently in mathematics, German and French; 2) how subject-specific engagement develops over time; and 3) how levels and changes of engagement affect career success. As influencing factors and correlates of engagement, selected teaching characteristics (e.g. subject-related didactic expertise, relevance to the world of life, support for autonomy) and student characteristics (e.g. interest, self-efficacy, outcome expectations) are examined.
Wave 4 included more than 1200 students who reported about the teaching, learning and engagement during the time of the lockdown, when in-person teaching was changed to distance learning.




Diese Information wurde am 16. April 2021 aus dem Repositorium Airtable entnommen.

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