Autorinnen und Autoren | Christoph Helm, Stephan Huber, Tina Loisinger |
Institution(en) | Institute for the Management and Economics of Education (IBB) of the University of Teacher Education Zug (PH Zug) |
Zeitpunkt(e)/Zeitraum der Erhebung(en) | study finished |
Art der Stichprobe und Benennung der Personengruppe(n) und Anzahl | Primary ,Secondary ,Vocational training |
Projektwebsite | |
Fragestellung(en) der Befragung | The review provides a systematic overview of the state of quantitative research on teaching and learning during school closures due to corona in Spring 2020. The review comprises over 100 online surveys conducted between 24th of March 2020 and 11th of November 2020 and covering 255.955 cases (students, parents, teachers, school leaders). The analysis and synthesis of the findings was carried out along the “integrative model on distance education”. The review makes clear that central aspects of teaching and learning during corona-based school closures, such as distance learning characteristics (e.g. quality dimensions), student characteristics (e.g. self-sufficiency) and characteristics of home resources for learning (e.g. parental support) have already been the subject of many surveys. The school situation during the corona pandemic is therefore no longer an unexplored phenomenon. Rather, the scientific ethos of researchers in this field demands that the current state of research needs to be considered in their work. The review presented here is intended to facilitate this task by not only listing the existing surveys, but also synthesizing their central findings. In addition, the review provides a relevant information basis for decisions and action in politics, administration and school practice. At the same time, the review warns against an unreflected adoption of the findings by critically discussing the scientific quality of the surveys. |
Kontaktdaten | |
Kommentar | Diese Information wurde am 16. April 2021 aus dem Repositorium Airtable entnommen. |
Analytische Ausrichtung | |
Themen in Stichworten | |
Theoretischer Rahmen/Zugang | |
Sonstige Hinweise/ggf. Besonderheiten | This factsheet is only available in German. |
ggf. weitere Partner | |
Zentrale Befunde der Studie im Überblick/Highlights | |
Methodische Ausrichtung | |
Erhebungsdesign | |
Geographischer Raum der Studie | |
Bibliographische Angaben zentraler Publikation(en) | |
Repositorium | Factsheet |