INCL-LEA-HE (Inclusive Home-Learning Higher Education)

Author(s) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Schwab, Mag. Dr. Katharina Resch, Bakk. MSc; Dr. Katharina-Theresa Lindner, BEd ; Mag. Julia Kast, Alexandra Gutschik, BEd
Institution(s) University of Vienna, Centre for Teacher Education

Susanne Schwab,
Alexandra Gutschik,

Maybe further partner(s)

Hannah Zehentner, BEd, Flora Woltran, BEd

Theoretical framework/approach Inclusion, home-learning, university
Research questions

How can the attitudes of teachers and students to the changed situation of university teaching in 2020 with regard to inclusion and digitization be described? What differences are visible with regard to digital competencies, feedback possibilities in teaching and social or academic integration during the home learning phase? (Before-and-after comparison) To what extent does home learning affect students‘ studies? (before-after comparison)

Themes / topics

Home-learning, use of digital media, feedback, emotional experiences, students with special needs, students, university teachers, academic integration, home-teaching

Main findings of study / highlights

University teachers:

  • 2/3 of the university teachers have not attended any further training in the area of the crisis before the crisis due to COVID-19
  • More than 75% of the university teachers are able to combine learning content, didactics and digital media appropriately.
  • Home-teaching leads to an upgrading of university teaching and an increased need for exchange of experience among teachers


  • Massive reduction of contact to other positions at the university outside of teaching and face-to-face contacts between students
  • Only 1/5 of the students know very many fellow students with whom they can exchange information on subject-specific issues.
  • Motivational problems in (self-)study and incorrect assessment of workload by university teachers as disadvantages
  • Social (and related technical) inequalities increased
Methods quantitative online questionnaire with qualitative open-ended questions at the end
Analytic Appraoch Deskriptiv und explorativ
Desig of data collection

Online questionnaire via SoSci-Survey, duration approx.. 30 Minutes, use of existing and newly developed scales

Time(s) of data collection 17th April 2020 – 20th May 2020
Kind of sampling, kind and number of sample

Convenience sampling of selected field of study at the university of Vienna Sample: students (N=538), university teachers (N=220)

Geographical area Vienna, Austria

In preparation

Project website

Further information
Repository Factsheet