Apprenticeship Pulse

Author(s) Ursula Renold, Thomas Bolli, Katie Caves, Filippo Pusterla, Ladina Rageth, Aranya Sritharan & Sandra Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro
Institution(s) ETH Zurich

Maybe further partner(s)

Yousty AG

Theoretical framework/approach
Research questions
  • Impact on apprenticeship place supply
  • Impact on current apprentices
  • Impact on graduating apprentices
  • Measures and innovations of firms
Themes / topics
Main findings of study / highlights

February 2021:

  • 80% of companies offer for 2021 the same amount or more apprenticeship places than in 2020
  • 1% of apprentices do not receive workplace training
  • Practicability of final examinations is evaluated as 4.1 on a 5-point Likert scale
Methods Quantitative
Analytic Appraoch Descriptive
Desig of data collection

Online survey of companies

Time(s) of data collection Monthly since April 2020
Kind of sampling, kind and number of sample

Sample based on contacts of the apprenticeship position platform and calls from stakeholders

Geographical area Switzerland
  • Bolli, T., Caves, K. M., Pusterla, F., Rageth, L., & Renold, U., S. (2020). Identifikation der Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die berufliche Grundbildung in der Schweiz: Bericht zur ersten Befragung bei Lehrbetrieben im April 2020. CES Studien, 1.
  • Bolli, T., Caves, K. M., Pusterla, F., Rageth, L., Renold, U., Sritharan, A., & Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, S. (2020). Identifikation der Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die berufliche Grundbildung in der Schweiz: Bericht zu den monatlichen Befragungen bei Lehrbetrieben von April bis August 2020 mit Fokus auf die Gewichtungsmethodik. CES Studien, 7.
Project website

Further information
Repository Factsheet